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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this directory, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors that have occurred. We offer an impartial service and we cannot recommend or endorse any providers listed.
Capita are prioritising vulnerable clients. We are currently unable to obtain updates for ongoing third party requests. We are receiving emailed responses, albeit slowly.
When i called the number on here it went through to Canada Life. May need to check this number. I have tried this number 02077991525 but they are currently not taking calls. Have to email general.enquiries@capita.co.uk.
Hi Leanne. Thanks for letting us know. We’re looking in to it.
HI Jonathan
Do you know if its Capita that services Civil Service Pension schemes. I have a client who has old letters from Capita hartshead, but they phone lines aren’t running.
Hi Abigail,
I have been in touch with MyCSP (Civil Service Pension) this week, so they may be able to help you? I am currently creating an entry for them now. Their email is contactcentre@mycsp.co.uk.
I hope this helps.
Thanks Jonathan
I have a letter of authority for a pension to send. The client has said it is a cigna/capita pension – where do i send this to?
Hi Henrietta,
I have found the following details on the Cigna website:
If you are a current or former employee of Cigna and require any information on the Cigna 2000 UK Pension Plan please contact us at UKPensionEnquires@Cigna.com.
I would suggested emailing them. I haven’t come across a Cigna plan for a couple of years. The last time was in 2018, when it was administered by Mercer (Glasgow).
I hope this helps.