Legal & General
Email Addresses
Plans of 10 digits – usually ending 01
employerdedicatedteam@landg.com and dcthirdparty.response@landg.com
Plans beginning U or UP – these plans are digital communication only.
Email Addresses
Plans of 10 digits – usually ending 01
employerdedicatedteam@landg.com and dcthirdparty.response@landg.com
Plans beginning U or UP – these plans are digital communication only.
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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this directory, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors that have occurred. We offer an impartial service and we cannot recommend or endorse any providers listed.
L&G are currently experiencing system and printing issues, resulting in delays for receiving Benefit Statements, Projections and Transfer Discharge Forms. They are actively working to find a solution, but are unable to put a time frame on it.